Please note: Reports are still considered 'under development' and some options may not be available, or work fully as expected. Our current estimated completion date for reports is January 2022. If you run into any issues, need something specific, or have any questions on this feature, please feel free to contact us. Template PartsThe report template will contain the name of the report along with what category (or record type) the report is for. These values are required for all reports. Along with these, you can then customize the report using the HTML and CSS fields to define how you want the report to look. CategoriesWhen choosing the category, you will be defining where the report will be available from. For example, if you choose 'Contacts' as your category, then this report will be available when you are looking at a contact record. Header and Footer HTMLIn the header and footer html boxes, you can define what the tops and bottoms of the report will look like. You are free to use almost any standard HTML for these values, however you should not use links to external image resources, or any form of JavaScript. These will be ignored when the report is generated. You are allowed to enter up to 1,024 characters in these fields. CSS StylesheetWhen creating your HTML, you should use CSS styles to define the formatting you want to use. Not only does this help us save space and time, but will also make changing color schemes, or even keeping them, much easier for you. Please Note: When generating a report that has sub-reports, the CSS styles will be merged together while generating the report. It is recommended that you do not use the same CSS stylesheet names between various reports as this may cause unexpected results. You are allowed to enter up to 1,024 characters in this field. Sub-SectionsSub-sections allows you to create a listing of records associated with the record you are working with. For example, if you are creating a report for a business, you can create a sub-section based on projects. You can then list out all of the projects associated with the company you are creating the report on in this are of the report. For each sub-section, you can also define the header and footer html, along with the "line html" for each item on the list. When you define a sub-section, you will want to choose the related table to use, then you can either choose to embed an existing report, or generate a list of items to show. Where ClauseYou can use the where clause to add your own constraints to the query. You can use the placeholder name for the parent record within these statements. An example where clause may look similar to: You are allowed to enter up to 255 characters in this field GroupingYou can define what fields you want to group your items by. You will want to simply enter the placeholder name you want to group by. You are allowed to enter up to 50 characters in this field. Line HTMLThe line HTML will be placed within it's own table, directly between the header and footer HTML sections. This html should not contain any outside table properties, header row information, or anything similar.
For example, if you had the following html entered for your line html: <tr class="rowstyle"><td class="colstyle">some value</td></tr> When generating the report, the following actual values will be used: <tr class="rowstyle-O"><td class="colstyle-O">some value</td></tr> You are allowed to enter up to 1,024 characters in this field. Group Headers / Group FootersThese allow you to define the row format for the header row or footer row for when a group changes in your list. When a group does change, the report generator will place a group footer, then a group header for the next group, and then will continue with the list, all as one table. Template PlaceholdersWhen you generate a report, the information from the current record (and possibly any related child records) will be used to fill in information on your report. Our report generator uses the same data placeholders as you will find under our help Template Placeholders help topic. When the record is generated, the data values listed under the appropriate record category will be available and you can use them within your HTML templates. |