Working with Taxes

You may simply enter either a dollar amount or a percentage for the Total Tax while creating orders, or you can use our various tax options to help track various taxes you company may collect or owe.  
Getting Started  

While creating orders, you may enter either a value or a percentage for the Total Tax. If you enter a percentage value, such as 8.25%, then the Total Tax value will be converted to the total value when you save the record.

Advanced Tax Options

Next Era Office offers many other tax tracking features that can help if you want to have the system automatically compute taxes or track taxes to budget accounts.

Automated tax will override any manually entered tax values the user may enter while modifying the order. If the order falls under any automated tax rules, the automated value will be used and the value entered by the user will be discarded. If the order does not follow any tax rules (or the tax rules computer to $0), then any value entered by the user will be used for computing sales tax on the order.

Tax Authorities

The first thing that needs to be one when working with taxes within Next Era Office is to have one or more Tax Authorities defined. This will let you setup the types of taxes that entity can collect, and then track taxes based on the tax types or entity.

You should have some of your common tax authorities, such as "State of ??", "County of "" or something similar.

Tax Types

Once you have created one or more tax authorities, you will want to create the various taxes that they can create. These Tax Types will let you setup the amount of the tax. You can use either a percentage amount or fixed amount. This will then be used to calculate the tax amount on your orders and other taxable items.

Tax Tables

Tax tables will let you define the tax table that should be used. You can choose to perform one of the following:

  • Use the tax table to only use that amount,
  • Add tax amount to add that in addition to the base amount you specified with the tax type,
  • Remove to deduct that amount from the specified base amount.\


Tax Locations

Tax locations will allow you to define specifics for when to apply a tax. Tax locations will be the first table checked, and any order that falls into a defined tax location will automatically have the related tax added to it when the order is first created.

Note: Currently [Tax Locations] is still considered in the "testing/development" stage as we work on setting up automatic tax table features. Basically, it should work, but you may want to make sure.

Tax Groups

Tax groups will allow you to setup a collection of various taxes that are commonly included together. You can then add these tax groups to your order types to automatically add the associated taxes to all orders of that type.

Not Rated  